Driver Easy Loader
Get Driver Easy Pro for free
How does this work?
This tool drops a fake Driver Easy license to the its appdata path, that means you are able to use Driver Easy Pro for free.
What do “License” and “Loader” installation mean?
- “Loader” installation: Installs the license by default to all new users
- “License” installation: Installs the license to the current running user
Is this tool safe/free of malware?
Absolutely! Why I have to put malwares here? Also if you don’t trust me, check the source code.
I got a virus by downloading this, please help!!!
It’s actually impossible if you downloaded this from the OFFICIAL repository. If you downloaded this thing from somewhere else, then someone modified the source code and embedded malware. I’M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING CAUSED BY DOWNLOADING THIS PROGRAM FROM 3RD PART SOURCES.
Uninstalling the loader
If you want to uninstall the loader, just run it and click the Uninstall button. It will delete the fake Driver Easy license and so revert Driver Easy to the free version.